Why Choose Us



0207 781 9247
As such, although there are countless private detectives offering spy bug detection services for £199.99, and numerous spy shops and spy stores keen to sell their ‘black box’ bug detectors’, realistically there are only a handful of professional TSCM teams in the UK each equipped with in the region of £180,000 worth of dedicated search kit we are one of these such companies.

Equipment List
24hz counter surveillance receiver
3Ghz counter surveillance receiver
900Mhz Non linear Junction detector (good for penetration)
2.4 GHz Non linear junction detector (good for accuracy)
Broadband spectrum detector to 12Ghz 
Broad band Spectrum detector to 8Ghz
Broad band spectrum detector  to 3Ghz
Telephone and line analyser
Data network scanner
Portable x-ray machine
Thermal imager camera
GPR ground penetrating radar
GSM and tracker device locator
Wi-Fi device locator
Bluetooth scanner
forensic search light
assorted video poles and snakes
mobile phone forensic tool

As proficient countermeasures operator we have invested considerable expense procuring the highly specialized equipment needed to detect the ever changing array of listening devices.
As a rule, they are simply not specialized or equipped for the challenge of technical countermeasure in today’s highly complex matrix of digital threats.
0207 781 9247